Here is Day 3 (February 4th, 2016) Progress report on the building of Sunnyshore Studio.

(I didn’t plan to visit the Studio, but dad dropped off one of their cars at the repair shop and needed a ride home, and mom needed to continue to provide care for some dear friends of ours so it all worked out in the end).

The holes are filled with concrete, poles secured, and foundation work completed.

Two large rafters have been built. They will be hoisted up and fastened in place.

You can get a sense of the size and scope of the project by looking at dad standing among the beams.

Overall, I’m very impressed by how fast Spane’s crew is putting up the Studio. And I can’t wait to see it continue to take shape.

But most fun for me today was to spend time with dad talking about framing paintings, creating postcards for sale, having some antiques, and dreaming of how to make this a vibrant working studio.

day 3 - 8

We make great business partners, at least most of the time!




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